
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Weight Loss V.2 2017

In February, my doctor called my bluff and said he wanted to see me in six months to check on my weight loss goals.  It was definitely the kick in the pants I needed to start taking my 2017 new year's goal of "be healthier" seriously.  I spent about two weeks trying to track and watch my macro nutrients on My Fitness Pal.  This is an excellent app and I will definitely use it again in the future but I just didn't have the will power to manage calories and watch the fat, sugars, sodium, etc.

So two weeks ago, I took advantage of the Weight Watchers online sale and used some of my work bonus to sign up for 3 months.  I have been more conscious of tracking and the items I'm tracking since I started back.  There have been a few changes - the 0 point smoothies I used to love now have to be calculated differently - but so far it's been an easier transition than I remembered from my first membership in 2010.

The website itself has lost some functionality but still covers the basic necessities.  I don't find it as easy to research a particular restaurant or view my list of favorites when making last minute decisions.  But having to plan a little more in advance forces me to make better decisions in the long run. On the positive side, they put a lot of effort into making sure the online customers get the same support one would in a face to face meeting.  So I am confident that this will be the extra bit I need to be successful.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Camp NaNoWriMo - April 2017

I'm preparing for another marathon session of writing in April.  I want to go back to the novel I started in November and push through to complete  a rough draft.  This means I need to:

  • Complete temporary dialogue I used as a place holder
  • Develop a minor story-line for one of the supporting characters
  • Develop more of Milady's backstory - possibly a stand alone novel?
  • Figure out Milady's actions in England - possibly a stand alone novel?
  • Make major decisions about Kitty and her relationship with Milady.  Is she friend or foe?

I've selected to write another 50,000 words in 30 days.  Yet again I am both scared and excited to take on this task.