
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

National Novel Writing Month - Day #1

The first day of NANO has gone surprisingly well.  I downloaded the free version of Scrivener they're promoting and organized all of last year's notes.  This took a little bit of time to learn how to use the system and then get everything set up.  I still have some fine tuning to do when I get home later.

Even with this additional set of tasks on the first day of NANO, I was still able to add about 2,000 to my draft from last year.  I was very much surprised at how much research had gone into the rough draft last year and at how much I'd forgotten in the mean time.

I am determined to focus on Milady's backstory this go round but I'm finding that very difficult right now.  There are so many options to explain why she behaves the way she does in the original novel.  Not to mention I could completely rewrite her actions and not keep as close to the original.  I mean it is an alternate point of view after all, shouldn't it truly all be from her perspective where she's the good guy?

Weight Watchers - Day#1

Daily Points:32/30
Daily Calories: 1,338/1500
Weight: 215.7lbs
Age: 36.66 years

Starting with Weight Watchers again.  Last time I was not as committed to losing weight so, even though I've had my greatest success with WW, I did not achieve my goals.  I have to remember the 50 pounds I lost when I first joined and how I was so motivated to get to my goal.  I was 28 and didn't want to be overweight at 30.  I did so well keeping it off until I went back to school and the job got more stressful.  Now, I want to be in a healthy place when I'm ready to have a kid and I don't want to be overweight at 40.  So I need to hold onto that motivation - or at the very least, I need to track everyday regardless of whether it's good or bad.

I need to consider that I might be attempting to do too much this month with starting weight watchers right before the holidays AND National Novel Writing Month.  But so far, I'm feeling positive about the experience.  Estimated my dinner points and discovered I have more than half to use at lunch time.  I've scheduled a work out time with a co-worker for tomorrow and we're committing to going at least twice a week.  Last time I only focused on changing eating habits and not on working out.  So that is also another item on my plate that could prove to be overwhelming.

Overall, I am pleased with my first day even though I dipped into my weekly points a little bit.  When I compare it with calories, I am definitely below the goal I'd set My Fitness Pal.  I'm curious to see how points compare to calories but have the feeling I'll find tracking in two apps tedious.