
Friday, November 15, 2013

33 1/3

Totally just had an epiphany and scathingly brilliant idea for my birthday in a little over 3 months. 33 has been psyching me out a little, due to the fact that this was my father's age for nearly a decade when I was younger. In my mind, my dad was always 33 and now I will be that age and it's weird. So, of course, the best way to deal with this is to plan an awesome party for myself.

Ideas thus far:
1) Wait until June 29th to have a '33 1/3' themed party - records, etc.
2) Have a Hobbit coming of age party. In the novels by JRR Tolkien, the hobbits aren't considered "of age" until they turn 33.
3) Combine my house warming party with my birthday so that I can make it all memorable.

More to follow....

Friday, September 27, 2013

Countdown to Doctor Who

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Countdown
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary is on  Saturday, 23 November 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

House Painting

I've been working on selecting colors for my new house.  So far I think I've narrowed it down to the following:

The Living Room:

The Guest Room:

My Room:

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Au Revoir Hallmark

After 14 years at the Hallmark Store, I've finally hung up my apron.  I started out of high school, to help pay for college and my first car.  When I graduated it became my part-time job to help supplement the income from my full-time job and pay down student loans.  When my company folded unexpectedly, it was there to offer full-time hours while searching for a new job.  Once I was on steadier feet, it helped me get my credit in order so I could buy my house.  Then, it was a security blanket - something stashed in my back pocket to protect me from the dark. 

The women that I have known through the years have taught me so much about life and friendship.  They helped me grow up and were a substitute family when my own was unwelcoming.  My first realization of my own mortality happened with the death of my manager's daughter (I was 21, the girl was 18).  With the passing of a co-worker in our main office, I've seen the new generation of Hallmark girls experience the same realization (Our co-worker was 32, the next gens are 18-21).  I know that I have contributed to their maturation as much as those that helped me.  We've seen marriages, divorces, and pregnancies over the years.  We've welcomed people back when they were down on their luck and then wished them all the best when they find a better opportunity.  We've developed bonds with customers and looked for them at our major events year after year.

My chapter in this story has come to an end, but the book is not yet finished.  There will be so many other women to pass through those doors and life will continue to go on inside those walls.  The cramped back room with minimal storage space for product, larger than expected shipments, late night stocking and display changes while management is cursed.  Friendships will flourish, secrets will be shared and kept, confidence will be gained.  People will be stretched to their limits, pick up extra hours to makes ends meet, and some will move on.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Scary Future Plans" have turned into a "Not So Scary Reality"

In December, I talked about buying my step-dad's old house.  In April, I signed the settlement papers.  In May, I moved in.

There is too much to detail the entire process, but it was worth it.  When I filed my taxes in February, because I am also a grad student, I received additional money in my refund that allowed me to meet the minimum down payment required.  My step-dad also helped bridge the gap a bit with closing costs and other fees.  I still have to pay mortgage insurance, so it wasn't the recommended 20% down, but I'm okay with that.

It's been kind of weird living in a house that I've known for so long.  Part of me still feels like I'm house sitting even though all of my stuff is filling up the rooms.  It has this temporary feel to it, like I've had living in apartments the last 8 years.  The only thing that has helped me to feel like this place is truly mine, is the process of selecting color palettes for the rooms.  After 32 years of living in places where colors were either selected for me or I was forbidden to change anything, it's overwhelming to think of all the possibilities.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Summer Break

I realized I haven't posted anything in about six months, largely due to the demands of school and work.  A lot has happened in that time frame and I'm taking a break from school this summer to catch up on things.  I'm trying to get myself in order and ready to attack the fall semester.

Major Events:
Purchased My First Home
Traveled to the UK with my sister
Dad and his Partner were legally married 

Important, but not so major, events:
Gained back 30 of the 40 pounds I lost in the last year
Recommitted to Weight Watchers
Joined a Gym