
Thursday, March 11, 2021

3/11/21 Check-in (Reintroduction)

Weight: 199.5

Low FODMAP Meals: 15/21 + 3 Challenge Meals

This week went pretty smoothly.  I had minimal symptoms from the Mannitol group and I'm looking forward to including them in future meals.  Some things I did note, however, is that they do cause an increase in gas for me.  So when I'm in a flare and everything is inflamed, I should definitely avoid foods in this group.  

In the past, trapped gas has been a major source of pain for me during a flare.  My nutritionist said that this is one of the things we'll look at during the customization phase - where we figure out what foods I can include and avoid in the future.

One thing I noticed was that by the third day I was struggling to want to eat mushrooms.  Something I never thought was possible.  But in my old life, I doubt I ate mushrooms that many days in a row before.  So it's no wonder I was tired of them by the third day.

This next week, I'm challenging Fructose - so honey or mango.  I'll probably be sticking with honey since that is already a part of my regular diet.  I don't normally eat mango, so it doesn't make sense to challenge with that.  I don't think I'll have the 'boredom' factor for honey, since I normally put that in my tea on a daily basis.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Reintroduction - Mannitol

I'm starting the reintroduction phase of Low FODMAP.  I'm starting with Mannitols - so that means mushrooms or cauliflower.  

I started last night with 2 tablespoons of mushrooms with chicken, mashed potatoes, and carrots.   So far, so good.  No major symptoms or pains.  Most I could say I have is some dry lips.

But that could be the change in weather or allergies.  I'm still writing it down but don't think it's a problem at all.  I hope Gluten goes this smoothly.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

3/3/2021 Check-in (low FODMAP)

 Weight: 202.2

Low FODMAP Meals: 16/21

It's been a miraculous week - I have 10 days pain free without Prednisone.  I had my birthday where I ate what I wanted - Chimichangas (yes!) and cake, Ice Cream Cake, Cannoli, and wine (double yes!).  I didn't go too much overboard - though I did gain 2 pounds - and most of my meals were low FODMAP.

I'm sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I don't know how to trust that my gut is going to be okay for a while.  But we're moving forward with the reintroduction phase and I'll be adding mushrooms to my diet this week.  I have missed them so so much.

Wish me another 7 days with this normal gut!