
Friday, September 23, 2011

Dream Screens

A friend of mine posted this article on Facebook the other day: Gizmodo Article - Scientists Reconstruct Video Clips from Brain Activity.  And I couldn't help but find it fascinating.  Of course, the idea of being able to record one's own dreams is exciting.  Most of mine are pretty entertaining and make for great story ideas.  But, of course, I never seem to finish them before the enthusiasm runs out or before pieces of it start to fade.  Others are confusing or down right embarrassing, so I don't know that I would want to relive those in my waking hours.  It would certainly help with the analyzing of dreams as one must rely entirely upon one's own memory for these things. 

I was thinking mostly of the movie, Bicentennial Man, and the scene where the father asks to have his daughter's wedding replayed so he can relive the memory.  Aren't there a few memories you wish you could revisit with a little more clarity?  Once they perfect this new scientific ability, and include sound, there are a lot of things I would like to remember.  Like the sound of my Mommom's voice.  I can almost remember it, but it's been so long I'm not even sure if it's close any more.  My Poppop dancing with a broom while I waited for the school bus. 

Then I wonder, if you could perfect this technology to the point where one could call up memories at will.  Would this be viable evidence in court cases?  Could we monitor brain activity as a person goes through their day?  One could almost go paranoid about the possibilities.  I mean the thought police could become a legitimate thing.  For every cool possibility there is also a frightening application.

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