
Friday, August 24, 2012

Time Out

I have been very remiss of late.  Attending classes this summer and a shake-up at work have taken up the bulk of my time and updating my blog has taken a back seat.  My apologies.  But I have two full weeks to catch up on reading/writing/etc.

First, I have successfully completed Intro Accounting II and Intro Macroeconomics with an "A" in both subjects.  Finishing the accounting class was difficult because I think the teacher lost interest before the students did.  But it was the Macroeconomics class that proved the most difficult.  I've never taken an online class before, so I wasn't sure what to expect, and I can honestly say that I need the reinforcement of classroom lectures to actually learn a subject.  Thankfully, my sister is an economist by nature, and education, so I was able to talk a lot of things out with her.

Second, I'm not 100% my job is secure right now.  As of July 1st, I was transferred over to the commercial side of my company, from the government side, and given new programs to work on.  There is a lot of up-in-the-air-transition-type-stuff going on right now, but I am basically still doing my old job along pieces of my new job.  I have not yet had a formal discussion with my new boss, she's out on medical leave, or been given an understanding of what exactly they expect me to do in this new job.  I can already see that it's going to be a lot less involved than my old job and my old boss is trying to beef up my skill set in the interim so I have the best possible chance at growth.  But overall, I don't get the feeling that the commercial side of the company is all that interested in what I can do for the company.

Third, everything seems to be in transition right now.  It's like I'm stuck in between worlds.  I'm transitioning into being a graduate student, but I have undergraduate prerequisites to complete first.  I'm transitioning into being a commercial employee, but I don't have a clear understanding of what that means.  I'm exclusively dating someone, but it's not yet recognized as a relationship by either of us.  I live in Baltimore but every time I visit my sister I want to move to Atlanta.  There is all this potential energy building and it's going to propel me down different paths, but I'm not certain of what all those paths are or whether they're good or bad for me yet.

My sister and I keep talking about good drama vs. bad drama.  There's always stress in your life that can cause drama, some of that will positively effect your life and some of it will have a negative impact.  The school stress, is definitely the good kind.  It's something I am doing to make my life better down the road.  The job stress, has the potential to be negative depending on how I respond to it.  I could be active and push for more information about this new position, I could be proactive and find new work, or I could do nothing and wait for someone to tell me what direction they've chosen for me.  I'm really not good with that last one, but the longer I hesitate on whether to be active or proactive the better chance I will let someone else make that decision for me.

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