
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of Grad School

I've been taking classes at CCBC this summer, as part of my prerequisites for Grad School, but there was something altogether different about traveling to Towson University for my very first Fall Semester class.  It's as if I finally believed I was doing this.  Not when I filled out the paperwork for school, not when I paid the semester tuition, not when I purchased the books for class.  But walking across campus with my bag slung across my shoulder, catching snatches of undergraduate conversation, and searching for my classroom finally made it real to me.

All of my classes are in Stephen's Hall on the Towson campus.  It's one of the original buildings on campus and the set-up makes me feel like Professor Indiana Jones should come sweeping through the door to lecture at the podium.  I am incredibly excited to be in this place at this time in my life.

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