
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Historic News

Trying to write my thoughts down quickly.  I just heard that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has ruled in favor of same-sex marriages.  The joy I feel is too immense to be captured.

We've been watching the rulings on the SCOTUS live blog for the last two weeks, waiting to see if they would rule on it or not.  And finally, this morning in a 5-4 vote it was determined that the 14th Amendment included same-sex marriages - or, as I like to call them, Marriages.

This means that my sister and her fiancée can get married in their home state.  They can move to any other state in the United States and still have the same rights and protections.  If my sister gets a work assignment in England, her WIFE can go with her without any additional hassle or red tape.

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