
Saturday, February 27, 2016

35th Birthday

35, it's a nice round number to me.  It's halfway between 30 and 40.  Established in my life enough that I can build and make plans, but not so set in my ways that I can't course correct if needed.

Graduation is just around the corner and I am anxious to get started with this next phase of my life.  What exactly does adulthood look like without the burden of school?  I'm ready to advance in a career and stop living paycheck to paycheck.  I don't have to be rich, though I wouldn't object to that, but I don't want to have to struggle the way I have been the last 15 years.

I'm trying to focus on the positive things ahead of me and not get bogged down in the worries I've started to feel pulling at the corners of my mind.  I need to not rush into things out of fear that I'll miss out on something.  But I also need to not be afraid to take chances and make changes as needed.

This is all somewhat cryptic, I know.  But I am hopeful for the future without knowing exactly what path I should take next to make all of my hopes and dreams come true.

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