
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Digital Meltdown

I just finished reading this "Digital Overload is Frying Our Brains" - Wired Article and I feel it has a very valid point.  I read a quote once, possibly by Mark Twain but I'm not sure now, about how the telephone was the most unnatural thing.  The point of that quote was that anyone could command your attention with the ringing of the bell in your telephone; no matter what one was doing one would stop to answer the phone.  I honestly wish I could find that quote now because it struck me as so very true when I read it that I have often considered it. 

This most recent article (but can't find now, of course) I've read sort of goes along with that thought.  The point of the article is that we are so plugged in these days that we don't have the down time our bodies and brains need to recharge and think effectively.  It talked about those a-ha moments in the shower and how some of our quiet space is slowly disappearing and our brains don't have time to work through things.

It made me wonder if I should start meditating.  Because I know I am too connected.  I check Facebook far too often and I always have my phone with me.  I could be ten times more efficient in my every day life if I didn't want to see if people are talking to me.  The article did say that, as human beings, we have this natural desire to feel connected to other people but that the social media and cellphones interrupt other things we need as human beings.  It might be good for me to clear my mind once in a while, especially with the GMAT studying on my plate.

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