
Thursday, February 25, 2021

2/25/2021 Check-in (low FODMAP)

 Weight: 200

Low FODMAP Meals: 19/21

This is crazy to me - last week I was almost in tears to my nutritionist because I was so frustrated.  We agreed to stop the Kiwi the week before last but it didn't really change anything.  I barely finished my lunch on Friday because of gut pain - even though it was just grilled chicken and rice.  Then, all of a sudden, on Saturday it was like a switch was flipped and my gut is calm.

I'm trying not to jinx myself because I have my 40th birthday coming up on Saturday - but maybe I just went through a flare.  I haven't really had a non-pain time period (without Prednisone) to know what exactly a flare feels like, but I think this was it.

Wish me luck this week!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

2/18/2021 Check-In (low FODMAP)

Weight: 200.2

Low FODMAP Meals: 19/21

This week I tried Siete Tortilla chips, made with Cassava Flour, and did not have a good reaction to these either.  I'm wondering if it's because they're crispy and maybe my lack of a gall bladder is just not happy with anything fried. 

I'm also questioning whether or not my Humira is still working.  I've noticed that the last two times I've had a dose scheduled, the Sunday before I have increased symptoms.  Maybe it's wearing off too soon or I need a higher dose?  I'm going to see what happens for my scheduled dose on the 24th to see if it's a pattern or just coincidence.

But mostly, I am not seeing any relief from Crohn's.  It's difficult to sleep at night and I'm feeling tired all day.  Then it doesn't matter what I eat, within a half an hour my gut is screaming at me.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

2/11/2021 Check-in (low FODMAP)

Weight: 201.4

Low FODMAP Meals: 18/21

Taking out the balanced plate tracking for now.  It should help me focus on low FODMAP better.

This week, I discovered a company called FODY that produces items for a low FODMAP diet.  So I found Salsa and Spaghetti sauce that I can eat - it's made without garlic and onions.  This is making the low FODMAP diet a lot easier to handle.  This week I'm looking forward to trying their Taco Sauce.

I've still been having some stomach issues, but I think it's related to constipation issues.  I've been eating my Kiwi but not seeing a lot of help there and I'm starting to get tired of those little black seeds.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

2/4/2021 Check-in (low FODMAP)

 Weight: 203

Low FODMAP Meals: 18/21

Balanced Plate: 7/7

My nutritionist suggested that I start incorporating Kiwi fruit (1x/day for 3x/week) to help with the constipation issues I've been having.  It's apparently a gentle fiber that will help me without adding to my gut pain.  So far, I can't say I've noticed a difference, but my pain level has been very low.

I'm missing Garlic and Onion more than I expected.  I didn't realize how much I was cooking with these spices until I couldn't use them anymore.  It's also made eating out difficult because almost all of the sauces will contain one or both of these.  So when I go out I've been getting plain items - like a steak without butter, or grilled unmarinated chicken.

I found UDI bread at the grocery store and that has helped with sandwiches for lunch.  I've also started getting deliveries from Epicured - a low FODMAP food delivery service.  My biggest complaint is that all of their food is meant to be reheated in the microwave and I don't have one.