
Monday, December 28, 2015

5 Year Goals

A little less than five years ago, I started down a path.  I took a class at the local community college to see if I liked Accounting and if I thought it was something I could pursue realistically.  For someone who had always been, "The Writer," and "not good at math," it was incredibly freeing to realize that there was something analytical that I was really good at doing.  The reason I had never felt completely comfortable with the 'artsy' label was that it wasn't the only side to me.

This spring, I will hopefully graduate from Towson with my Masters in Accounting and Business Advisory Services.  Then I have to consider what to do next.  I should take the CPA and I will probably end up doing that.  But I find it to be very intimidating and my career path has become slightly different in the last five years.

At the time I started the Masters program, five years felt like such a long time.  And now it's here and it doesn't feel like it was that long ago I started.  Perhaps this is how long term goals feel once they're achieved, or nearly achieved.  When we're looking at the road before us it seems long and winding and unfamiliar, but when we look back over where we've been it's no longer a mystery.

1 comment:

  1. I remember how daunting college seemed at the onset - and then the idea of getting my MBA, could I cut it? Did I have what it takes to be successful in my career?

    I realize after all these things, that every big goal seems challenging at first, but you work your way up step by step. Like getting a black belt in martial arts - that takes YEARS to do, but you can celebrate the little successes along the way and realize you are developing competency as you earn the next highest rank.

    You're not what people label you as or what you've been told you are - you are what you invent yourself to be. And you're inventing yourself as a caring, educated, socially responsible person who doesn't have any limitations to what else she'd like to accomplish.
