
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals

Long ago, I decided not to have resolutions at New Year's - I felt that it set up for failure and disappointment.  Part I my yearly ritual, after Danielle leaves for home and I start to feel the melancholy that inevitably follows, is to look forward to the new year and set a list of goals I'd like to achieve.  Some of them fit in with a larger plan, i.e. Graduate School, and some are purely for the immediate future.

Even though I did not write them down in a formal blog post, there were several things that I mentioned throughout the year.  So, to begin, let's take a look back at last year's 2013 goals:

  1. Buy a House - this was most definitely achieved in 2013!
  2. Quit Hallmark - an ongoing goal for several years, but finally achieved in July of 2013.
  3. More creative writing - I have one story I've been working on this year.  Mostly when I'm in an airplane and have nothing else I can do for 2 hours.
  4. Europe Trip with Danielle - we made it to London, Cardiff, and Dublin with Andrea in May/June of 2013.
  5. Pay off Credit Card Debt - refinanced with some student loan money and then wracked it up again  :(
  6. More contact with friends who live out of state- didn't do so well on this.  Because of goal#1 I didn't even make it down for my annual visit with J & H.
All in all, not a bad year for my goals.  There were so many things that happened it's difficult to remember it all now.  Dad was able to legally wed Stepdaddy M in Maryland.  My sister graduated from business school and we took our youngest cousin to the ceremony in Atlanta.

2014 has some big shoes to fill, but I think it will be just as fantastic as this year.  New Goals:

  1. Focus more on experiences and less on things
  2. Writing more during breaks from school.
  3. Plan one additional monthly event for the Scotch Sippers meetup.
  4. Go to the gym 3 times a week during breaks and at least 1 time a week during the semester.
  5. Paint the living room and/or master bedroom before the start of the fall semester.
  6. Have a housewarming party/birthday party.
  7. Listen more and complain less
  8. Apply to jobs in the accounting field
  9. Budget more effectively
  10. Plan a big trip for end of 2014, possibly early 2015.
Some of these are very practical and some are pie in the sky.  Really curious to see where the new year leads and what I will be able to accomplish for myself.

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