
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter - the Anti-Geek?

I read an interesting article by Amanda Marcotte at Pandagon.  It was called "Harry Potter: The Anti-Geek" and it really got me thinking about the books and certain things about them I take for granted.  Marcotte argues that the reason these books are so popular is because the characters don't fit into the traditional "band of misfits" trope.  Yes, Hermione is Muggle-born and, yes, Ron is from a poor wizarding family but the only characters that hold this against them are Slytherin.  (I don't recall any problems with the Gryffindor crowd, at any rate.)  There are times when Harry faces problems with his fellow house members but these are related to outside propaganda and political smear campaigns more than anything else.

Which brings me to another one of Marcotte's points: Harry is a jock.  She points out that not only is he the star athlete of the Quidditch team, akin to our Quarterback, but also a legit celebrity in the wizarding world.  Hence the drama with the propaganda.  This is not what you would expect from a "geek" or "nerd."  As Marcotte points out, the closest we get to a "nerd," with our Gryffindors, is Hermione with her intense studying and penchant for rules.  But even Hermione, as Marcotte says, dated a famous athlete (Krum, anyone?).

It's really Snape, Marcotte argues, that fits the mold of "geek," and I have to agree with her.  He is tormented by James when he is younger and continues this animosity with Harry.  More concerned with perfecting his potions and not getting the girl, is it any wonder that I was pulling for Snape in the whole is-he-or-isn't-he-a-bad-guy drama before the final book came out.  I do tend to love the underdog in stories. 

Which is what interested me about Marcotte's article, Harry Potter is not the underdog.  He is, in fact, from a prominent wizarding family even though he has to overcome his own personal struggles.  But there isn't one point in the novels where Harry isn't the hero.  Yes, he's the whiny teenager or the inexperienced wizard, but this is what makes the stories more realistic.  What we love about Harry is that, while clearly a superstar, he is still fairly humble and kind of heart.

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