
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shaking Things Up At Work

I caught a little bit of a where-is-my-life-going depression this evening.  We've had all kinds of changes at my day job; people have been laid-off, departments have been restructured, and I report to a new boss.  I wasn't too upset about it because the changes made sense.  I work with data entry and inventory management within our accounting system, so it made sense that they would put me with the Materials department instead of the Contracts department where I was.  New boss man seems really nice and easy-going and my day-to-day isn't going to change that much, so it's really not a problem.

But they changed my title.  I was an Accounting Assistant and now I am the Materials Assistant.  Again, it makes sense and nothing is really going to change.  But the requirements for my job, minimum is a high school diploma though they prefer someone with a Bachelor's sort of shook me up.  Then I went to Hallmark and they asked me to check in some product we'd received.  It wasn't until I sat down at the computer and clicked on the Receiving Button that I realized I am still doing the same exact job I did when I was 22.  The title isn't even that different.

Granted, it's for an entirely different company and the benefits/salary are much better than anything I had when I was the Merchandise Assistant at Hallmark.  It did make me wonder if accounting is really something for me, though.  Because I haven't really done any "real" accounting.  And am I nothing more than an assistant?  How do I get out of that?  The whole thing just made me really question if my life is truly different from what it was 8 years ago.  Shouldn't there a different type of growth?

This realignment of departments in the company will give me more opportunities for advancement, but I'm not sure in which direction exactly.  Am I really in a career?  If so, is it the career I really want to be in?

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