
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baltimore Pride 2011

Another Father's Day, another Pride Parade in Baltimore.  I think it was a little more crowded than it has been in previous years.  I don't know if it was the less than obnoxiously hot weather or the draw of a much larger parade.  Actually, I'm not 100% sure the parade was actually larger or if it just seemed that way.

We had the usual dinner at Sammy's and I definitely ate far too much.  I enjoyed myself for the most part, but after they went over to Leon's I lost interest in being there.  I was reminded of where I was last year and reflected too much on where I am this year.  It was this same bar where I was so excited over meeting my now ex.  I had spent more time than was polite on the phone with him outside the bar and he'd wanted me to meet his friends in DC.  It was one of two invitations I received for that particular group and neither time worked out.  I sort of wonder now if that could have made any difference.  But that is foolish thinking.  It didn't happen that way and if we'd been in the same place, looking for the same things, I wouldn't be where I am now and the what ifs wouldn't have mattered either way.

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