
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gearing Up For Pride

from the Advocate's Website
This afternoon, I was reading Old Navy Gets Backlash for Pro-Gay T-Shirts.  And, of course, I immediately had to have one but, sadly, they are only available in a few retails stores and not online at all.  Thankfully, my sister and her girlfriend live in Atlanta near the Buckhead store that's offering them.

I am very proud of Old Navy for offering these shirts, which will benefit the It Gets Better Project with 10% of the proceeds.  They are the next in what I hope will be a long line of supporters for this cause.  (Already we've seen the Seattle Mariners, the Boston Red Sox, the San Francisco Giants, and the Chicago Cubs lend their voices.)  Too many of our LGBT youth feel the sting of bigotry and hatred in this country. 

Thankfully, the LGBT members of my family have the support they need but there was a time when my dad had to go it alone.  I can't even begin to imagine what that was like.  His stories help me to realize how important the It Gets Better Project is to our society; to those kids who don't have an adult to talk to or understand what they're going through.  And the American Family Association and The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission are both calling for a boycott of the retail store because of this support.  Is it any wonder that the It Gets Better Project is needed?

So I hope that you will go to the Facebook Page and/or stop by an Old Navy store and help support this cause and Old Navy.

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