
Monday, August 29, 2011

The Morphinominal Project

My sister has started a project on Blogger.  She is analyzing the episodes of The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to discover who the the most important Power Ranger was on the show.  She believes that by tracking who says the first and last lines on the show, who first appears on screen, who says, "It's morphin time."  and who kills the monster of the week in the episodes, she can statistically calculate which Ranger is the most powerful/important member of the team.  I think she is secretly hoping to discover that Kimberly is that Ranger, but I also think it's an interesting concept as well as a way to practice what she's learning in B-School.

So, check out The Morphinominal Project.


  1. The sad thing is, the further I go with the project and with my Business Intelligence class, the more I think I can apply Six Sigma principles to them to make their team more efficient.

    If that's what my blog turns into, I'm sorry.

  2. I'm probably going to post my results for the original five rangers while we're on vacation (or a little after) - for the original five it definitely seems like Jason is the leader, but Trini gets more screen time than anyone else.

    Kimberly's putting on a good show, too. As far as character development goes, it seems like Trini, Zack, and Kim are off to an early start.
