
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Captain America

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I went to see the Captain America: First Avenger movie this weekend and I have to say that it was kind of amazing.  I was impressed by the use of special effects and the visual of Chris Evans going from Super-Skinny Steve Rogers to Beefcake Captain America.  I wondered if it was a body double and they put Chris' face on someone else's body.  But after reading this article on Film Journal International I learned that each scene with pre-serum Steve was shot 4 times.  Once with all the actors, once with just Chris Evans, once with all the other actors, and once with a body double just in case.  Then through computer and movie magic they were able to shrink Chris Evans digitally and reinsert him into the scene.  According to the article, there were some scenes where a body double was used and Chris' face was grafted onto it later.

It was actually a really fun movie and I definitely recommend it.  I didn't feel it was overly nationalistic, even though the original comic was born from the WWII era Patriotism.  Clearly, this is a time period when we do need to get back to feeling good about our country, as hard as that may be.  This film not solving national budget problems, or arguing over the debt ceiling, or doing anything that will actually make our lives better.  But I think it will, on some subconsious level, make people feel good about things and isn't that the point of the movies? 

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