
Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately.

It might have to do with the break-neck pace of my accounting class.  I am trying to cover an entire semester's worth of classes in about 6 weeks.  We're covering a chapter a night, with homework, and a major test once a week.  Right now, I am behind in the homework.  All projects and tests, that are due, have been completed.  Now I just need to finish the third test over the weekend so I can turn it in next week.

It might be house-sitting/dog-sitting for my dad while I'm taking classes.  Having to drive an extra 15 minutes each way is more taxing than one would imagine and it cuts down on the available free time.

It might be working two jobs.  I've been doing this for a while though, so it's probably more than I am continuing to do this while attending classes.

It might be my supervisor announcing he's leaving the company and my compulsion to clean up our inventory as much as possible before he leaves.  This way I don't have to explain the entire situation for each problem to someone completely new that may not have any experience in our department.

It might be my concern that my budget is wildly out of control right now and I am adding to my credit card balances more often than I'd like.  Looking down that long road to paying them off again and wondering if my dad was right about using my stagnant 401(k) from DTB to pay them off in the first place.

It might be that whatever free time I have left I try to squeeze in events with friends, old and new, in an effort to establish a much needed social network.  And my laundry is piling up, my room is untidy, and my kitchen needs a thorough scrubbing.  But these are all secondary and tertiary on my to-do lists.

It might be that all I really need is about 3 days to sit in the sun and not have to do anything.  No homework, no deadlines, no one asking for favors.  Time to relax once I arrive at my destination without having to think about my next three moves while still feeling terribly behind.

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