
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just the same as they was before they was...

My sister was visiting this weekend.  One of the benefits of her boss being in Philadelphia is that she has to travel there sometimes for important things and can stop over in Maryland for a day or two to visit.  (It's something I hope I'll be able to do when/if I am flown out to California for training.)  The Dads were out of town for most of her stay so we got to have an entire day with just the two of us.  We did really simple things like homework and sitting out in the back yard. 

We also met up with her old high school friends for dinner and then went for a drink in the city.  Things that I think we would do if we lived in the same town at the same time.  It wasn't all let's go do something majorly important because we don't have that much time together.  However, I don't know if I would appreciate these visits as much as I do if we lived in the same town.  It would be easy to take it for granted and get into squabbles about unimportant things.  Or maybe I am just remembering how it was sharing a small bedroom in seventh circle of hell conditions and it would be entirely different now.  Maybe it would be like it is with Dad and Mark where I see them every so often but try to maintain my own social life.  Actually, I highly doubt that.  It's not as difficult to hang out with my sister socially as it sometimes is with the dads.

As always though, I know I will be sad when I come home from work tomorrow and she has already left for Philly.  I always wish I had more time and I'm always in a bad mood for a few days after she leaves/I get back from visiting.  It's that something's missing feeling and I know exactly what is missing. 

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