
Thursday, August 18, 2011

One Week

In exactly one week, I will turn in my last test for Principles of Accounting I and my summer semester class will be over.  I have to say that I will be glad to get what little free time I have back.  But the question is: now what?

I started this class as a way to fulfill my training requirement for my yearly review as well as a way to discover if Accounting was something I would like to pursue professionally.  I could certainly keep working like I have been and just take what is given to me.  But, inspired by my sister, I realize that I should be more proactive in this part of my life and make things better for myself. 

So I am looking at the grad programs at Towson University and University of Baltimore.  The plan, right now, is to focus on taking the GMAT this winter.  Then, I can start applying to schools when I get the results back.  I can take a couple more classes at JCC after I get the GMAT out of the way and that should help with the undergrad GPA problem.  Ideally starting graduate level classes in the fall of 2012. 

I still have to look at the big picture, though.  Like how many classes should I take a semester, how many years will it take me to complete, how much will my company pay for, etc.

1 comment:

  1. The thing to keep in mind about evening MBA programs is that people of all ages take them (example, Ray Romano in my class had a daughter who was three years younger than I am).

    -your sister
