
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I have recently discovered that there is a JemCon in Holland this year.  Next year it will be in St. Louis and, since that is a lot easier for me to attend, I am trying to make my plans now.  As you have already witnessed, I have the Jem Costume all worked out.

The thing is this, I've never understood (your obsessive genre here) conventions.  I enjoy costumes and dressing up, but I just didn't "get" going to a convention with thousands of other people dressed in the same outfits. 

But this, JemCon, speaks to my inner child that always wished for the Jem costume.  The part of me that wanted to be an international superstar that helped charities and outsmarted the Misfits.  And I just might finally understand what all those Star Trek Fans have been doing after all.

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