
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: S1E4

I have to feel sorry for Buffy in this episode.  We get a glimpse of some self-esteem issues she may have.  Dr. Gregory calls Buffy to task on her school work and we see her face fall.  She has this defeated attitude about school and assumes that the teacher is going to treat her the same way the principal did in the first episode.  But the teacher tells her he knows she can do better and expects nothing but the best for her.  He ends his speech with a wink, telling her they'll prove the nay-sayers wrong.  Of course, the guys lasts for all of five minutes before this episode's monster of the week kills him.  Thus ends the only supportive teacher we've seen in Buffy's school career.

But the main focus of the episode is on Xander and the substitute teacher who is really a giant praying mantis.  We see his self-esteems issues in the opening dream sequence; saving Buffy from a vampire before playing a kick-ass solo on stage.  In his dream he's confident and the strong hero.  But as we've seen, when it matters Xander truly does possess these qualities.  Most of the time, however, Xander doubts his own abilities and it's not exactly reinforced by his attraction to Buffy who doesn't seem to notice.  I am sure that having the hot teacher try to eat you after seducing you isn't helping either.

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