
Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

I went out with my dad for St. Patrick's Day, as planned.  I told him about what happened with Boyfriend and he told me I shouldn't come out if I didn't feel up to it.  Honestly, I'd like to stay under my covers and only come out for work and food when I felt like it.  But that is absolutely no way to live my life and the world isn't going to stop for me.  My dad told me a long time ago that you can either stay in bed and feel sorry for yourself or get up and do something until you feel better.  Granted he was talking about actual sickness at the time, but I think it still applies.

My aunt surprised us at the bar and I'm afraid it wasn't exactly the party she was looking for, though you really wouldn't know to look at the pictures.  I didn't drink nearly as much as I had originally intended to, but this is perhaps better for my diet as well as my emotional well-being.  For the most part, I'm still not sure what to think about this whole thing.

I'm trying to focus on the Ireland trip next month.  The days are counting down and I have limited time to get everything together.  I'm still waiting on my passport (I have two more weeks before I can truly panic about it).  Though I did decide what article of clothing I am definitely taking with me on the journey.  (That counts as packing, right?)  My VT t-shirt from the Maryland Meet-up last year.   Oddly enough, the one that took place in the very same bar we went to for St. Patty's Day.

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