
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ten Years Ago

Reading through my journal from ten years ago.  It's not exactly ten years to the month, but the very first entry in the book I picked up today is discussing whether or not my boyfriend is cheating on me.  Then there are later entries about how he told me he loved me and how great it was to feel the same way at the same time.  This is all not cool.  I am writing most of the same things in my journal ten years later.  And I find it very disturbing that I am in a very similar place that I was last year.  Though the cause of my pain is not nearly as much of an asshole.  Well, okay, his actions were very assholish...but as a person he's not as bad as either of the two I've previously written about.  Though the end result is the same....

Other things in my journal from 2001:
1) Encounters with Jim that I had completely blocked out of my mind.  Reading through them again, I completely understand why my subconscious tucked them away.
2) I wrote about worrying if I would ever have a chance at a healthy relationship given the examples around me.
3) Also, about possibly having major things wrong with me mentally that I wouldn't even know were wrong.  Because of the people around me.

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