
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Government Shutdown

I am a bit concerned about things in my personal life right now, as you may have been able to tell, and as much as I am trying to care about the important day to day things I just can't.  But in a effort to write about something other than my broken heart and keep something interesting for the casual reader, may I present this Washington Post Article.

We had a meeting at work that came up very suddenly on every one's calendar at 1:30pm, it was the same exact time as my Weight Watchers at Work meeting so I was not in attendance (I've also lost 37 pounds officially, but I'm not excited about it right now), but the gist was that with the impending Government shut down we weren't getting as many orders and had to restructure.  (a.k.a. there are a few layoffs.)  9 people were laid off, including a program director for one of the programs I work with.  This has me a little bit concerned on many levels. 

On one hand, my co-workers are working extra hard and willing to take on any extra tasks to prove that they are needed and useful.  I have no motivation to do my regular work right now let alone try to kiss up to the big cogs in the wheel.  Which does not look good at all, I am sure, but my boss is aware of what's happening with me right now and I've proven myself in the past.  As long as this apathy to everything doesn't continue an abnormally long time, I should be fine.

On the other hand, I wonder how bad things really are in the Government Contractor field.  Not to mention the Government Sector.  Do I really want to pursue an education in Library Science in order to get a job with a government office?  The last time we had a government shut-down was apparently 1995-1996 and a lot of people had to take time off without pay.  Is a Government Job really as secure as I've always thought it was?

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