
Saturday, March 5, 2011


I am starting to look through the late Spring and Summer programs offered by the local Community Colleges.  I think an introductory course in accounting or possibly inventory management will be helpful in my job, not to mention part of my annual review in April.  It might give me an idea of whether or not this is something I want to pursue as a career.  I am also looking for a technical writing course as that is another possible career option.

An old high school friend of mine (who helped my boyfriend locate his new house) mentioned that his wife works for a local government contractor and wondered if I'd ever thought about sending my resumé over there.  I know that there are hiring bonuses for referrals and what not, so that is what prompted the question, but it's still something to think about.  One of my Hallmark co-workers' mom works in an area related to technical writing at the same company, if that is something I would like to pursue.

I sincerely like this job and the people here.  The benefits are very good and I am coming up on my additional third week of vacation this year, so I don't know that I am ready to rock the boat exactly.  But it's nice to know there are other options out there.  Part of the problem I ran into with my last job was that I was pretty much trapped in that job.  OR, at least, I thought I was.  I was worried when I was suddenly unemployed because I didn't know where I could go and make the same amount of money.  But the trapped feeling had a lot to do with my co-workers relying on me.  My boss would constantly tell me that she hoped I would never leave because she didn't know what she would do without me.  Clearly we've both seen we were wrong and our lives have moved on just fine from that fixed point in time.

Maybe this is part of being a grown-up; to think about one's options and make the best decision for one's own well-being.

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