
Thursday, March 24, 2011

When it rains, it pours

Turkish Word of the Day yesterday was "drama." 

I was suckerpunched yesterday morning.  Boyfriend and I broke up a week ago, as you may remember, and I was down about it but I was hopeful that things would work out somehow.  I wasn't counting on it, but the way we ended it seemed like it could be temporary.  First thing yesterday morning, I see that he is Facebook Official with a girl he met a few months ago at a trivia thing with his work friends. 

It's been a week since we broke up and he told me that he didn't think he would ever meet someone he'd marry.  I asked him point blank if it was because of someone else and he lied to my face.  Apparently, they've been friends for a month and he would have been perfectly fine with me had he never met her.  But their three meetings, in group settings supposedly, was enough for him to be completely distracted and become no longer interested romantically in me.  The very same night that he broke up with me, he called her to talk about it.  He confessed it was because he had feelings for her and she confessed the same and what can you really do at that point?  She's already met his mom and gotten the Facebook official status.  He wouldn't meet my parents just yet, said he just wasn't ready, and wouldn't accept my Facebook request because he didn't like people knowing his business and preferred to keep his personal life private.  I asked if he was in love with her, he said "I'm not sure, probably."  Which is really more than I was able to achieve in the 9 months we were together.

I just don't understand how one can fall in love in less than two weeks.  I mean, you can't even know a person in two weeks let alone know if you love them.  I understand the chemical reactions and hormones make it seem that way, but this is just ridiculous.  But the one thing that is glaring me in the face is that if he was able to feel comfortable doing these things with her in just two weeks, he was never going to get there with me.  If he was going to be it would have happened by now.

The problem now is that he can't understand why I can't be friends with him.  If all of this had happened months from now.  It would have hurt a lot less and felt a lot less personal.  But really, he chose her over me and how can I not be hurt by that.  He didn't even have the courtesy to call me or text me before to warn me.  Just allowed it to show up in my friend feed and kick the legs out from under me.  Friends don't do that.  That and the thought of him being happy with someone else, loving someone else, just makes me physically ill.

Now, I don't know what to do.   It was one thing when he simply cared about me, but didn't know what he wanted.  Now, I've been jilted again and it will take some time.

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