
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weight Watchers at Work - the day before launch

Tomorrow starts our first ever Weight Watchers at Work meeting.  I am going to be paying about $12 more per month than the plain old monthly pass I have right now.  But it will mean that I actually go to the meetings every week and that I'll develop a support network at work.  So the benefits outweigh the costs right now.

I am very excited about getting this started and even more excited that I was the one who got it all organized.  Well the girls in the company upstairs really put us over the top and made it possible, but I've done all the leg-work with Weight Watchers and finding a meeting space, etc.  Part of me feels that we should have some sort of special lunch time food as part of the meetings, but then that sort of defeats the whole purpose of the meetings.  Unless we could turn it into a healthy foods potluck kind of deal where everyone brings in a dish, with the point values labelled, to share.  Maybe we can do this for our last class.  Though that wouldn't be a terrible idea for the group either, since they could guarantee at least one day on plan a week.

Heading over to the Dads' tonight, to plan our Ireland Trip!  Lots of good things are in the pipeline right now.  But I am not looking forward to the boyfriend's mom coming to visit.  I know he will be glad to see her and I don't begrudge him that at all.  It's just that I know we are not quite at that level where we are meeting parents and I won't get to see him that much while she is here.  She's helping him decorate and get his new house set up so she'll be here for a whole month.  He and I have had one other long separation like that, when he went home to visit his family last September, and that wasn't a problem as things have continued to develop since then so I am not entirely sure what part of me is worried about.  I get those doubtful thoughts swimming around my head, though.  I know I'll miss him, but will he miss me?  Am I important to him, etc.  Though there has been nothing in his behavior to justify this line of thinking.  In fact, our interactions continue to indicate the opposite of these second guesses.  But it's difficult to relax and just let it be sometimes.

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