
Saturday, January 8, 2011


News from my sister that she may not be able to go on the Ireland trip we've been planning for a year. Last year at my birthday, I set certain goals for myself: lose weight, spend next birthday in Ireland on fabulous trip I paid for myself, and meet my future husband while in Dublin.

The weight hasn't been a problem and I've worked very hard to get where I am. I finally have the means to save for this trip and could very easily take it by my birthday. This was not as difficult as weight loss. As for meeting my future husband, well two out of three isn't bad. And clearly that was a little jokey-jokey put in there to compensate for my, at the time, very broken heart. It was all about taking control of my life and doing things for me. Also to stop taking things for granted and realize that for everything I didn't have I had two other things that were equally, if not more, fabulous.

And when I thought about who I would want along with me on this amazing celebration of my new awesomer self, it was a very short list. I wanted to go with my sister. The person who had shared almost everything with me up to this point. For this level of important life events she was the only choice. And now my choices are go later or go without her.

I think I may have to go without her. For years I've been saying I wanted to take Shane to Disney World and every year I just didn't have it. Now he's 13 and there isn't much point, though I am sure he would enjoy it. But I don't want Ireland to become the new Disney World for me; something I always talk about doing but never seem to get my act together enough to do it.

I am going to be 30, I have a decent paying job and no credit card debt. This is the time to do the things I say I am going to do. If I keep putting off, it will never happen and then I'll be 40 or 50 wondering why I didn't make the time. There's always a good reason not to go on a vacation. Some bill that comes up unexpectedly, unemployment, or difficult financial times. But choices must be made and life must be lived.

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