
Friday, January 21, 2011


My bookshelves are scheduled to arrive tomorrow between 12-4.  I am far too excited about this event and I realize this as my friends have started to stop me mid sentence when I mention the impending arrival.  It's another step in the right direction for my new year's goals.  I realize I may not have stated my exact goals in previous entries, so here they are:

1) Pay off all Credit Cards
2) Keep Credit Cards Empty (this is more ongoing)
3) Lost 15-25 additional pounds and make it to the maintenance phase of Weight Watchers.
4) Do not gain weight after reaching goal weight.  (Again, more ongoing)
5) Buy IKEA Billy Bookcase system and FULLY unpack ALL books.
6) Move Piano out of storage
7) Close storage unit completely
8) Quit Second Job.
9) Plan and take a trip to Ireland/UK as celebration of my 30th Birthday.

If I can complete number 5, I can move the piano and then cross off 6 & 7.

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