
Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Ravens

Last night, I went over to my boyfriend's house to watch the Ravens/Steelers game.  Neither of us are what one could call, Football Fans, but we have teams we root for in the event we watch a game.  His happens to be the Steelers and mine is the hometown team, the Ravens.  But thankfully, this produces nothing more than lighthearted banter and bets on the outcome of the game.  Though, instead of betting that the loser has to do something for the winner, we bet that the winner would do something nice for the loser to make up for the disappointment (his idea).  Which is just a reminder to me of how positive this relationship is for me. 

All day, today, I have found myself smiling over something that was said or done yesterday.  For example, when the Steelers won, he did this little victory dance based on the Haka that the New Zealand "Real Football" team performs at the beginning of their matches to intimidate their opponents.  It was supposed to make me laugh, more than being a celebratory thing, and it did.  He is just adorable.

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