
Monday, January 24, 2011

Shelved Books

I finally had my bookshelves delivered and I finished putting them together last night.  Now I just have to determine the proper way to shelve all my books.  I have them broken up into four categories right now: fiction, non-fiction, school textbooks, and everything else.  I've decided to use the middle bookshelf for my DVD's, so that limits my space for the actual books.  So far this is not a problem, I only have a handful of books I can't fit on the shelf.  If I go through and weed out the ones I don't really need they should all fit beautifully.

The problem is that the books are all different shapes and heights.  I like to have a uniform looking bookshelf, but I also want them to be in alphabetical order.  Unfortunately, I can't have both.  So what is a girl to do?  Is it better to have them look uniform or to have them easily findable?

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