
Sunday, February 13, 2011

The dangers of owning an iPhone

This morning I received a friendly text message from AT&T to let me know that I had surpassed my 200MB usage and they would be billing me an additional $15 for another 200MB.  After consulting with my boyfriend, I learned how to check the usage amount on my phone and discovered I had actually used 396MB.  Realizing that I would soon get another friendly text message I upped my rate plan to the 2GB plan for $25.  Hopefully this will cover anything through the end of the month and I can reevaluate my usage on the next billing cycle.

The problem is that an iPhone is not just a phone, it is also an iPod.  I have run into this problem before with my iPods, where I hear a song I like and I simply download it.  Then iTunes suggests three or four other songs I like equally as much and I download them.  This problem is merely limited to my bank account on the iPods as it requires a separate Internet connection to download said songs.  On the iPhone, I merely have to think of a song and no matter where I am I can have it in only a few seconds.  Impulse control has never been my strong suit, especially in regards to music.  On top of these song downloads, I spent a considerable amount of time and data downloading apps that I wanted.  Of course, forgetting that I am no longer covered under the unlimited data plan AT&T used to offer.

Other than this, the Weight Watchers app is already proving very useful and I am happy with the choice I made.  Though, I still reach for my old HTC when leaving the house.

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