
Thursday, February 24, 2011

3 Days to 30!

Apparently Josh Groban and I are the exact same age.  (We have the same birthday and we'll both be 30 this year.)  My mother brought me a clipping she saw in the newspaper about the event.  Reading through it, I didn't expect much, I found myself intrigued by his answer to the question, "How do you feel about turning 30?"
It's pretty much how I feel about turning 30.  I am not upset or depressed about it as my father assured me I would be.  I am ready to run into this next decade with my head held high and ready for the next adventure.  My 20's were very uncertain for me and I spent a lot of it struggling.  Struggling to establish myself financially, independently, socially.  Struggling to finish school and work the whole time.  Struggling to take care of everyone else first and me second.

It's like Tim McGraw's song, "My Next 30 Years,"  I'm going to "cry a little less, laugh a little more."  The song is so positive about the future and doesn't lament time lost or youth disappearing.  I can't even begin to describe the feeling I have about this birthday.  It's like a moment of clarity where things make sense.  Like coming to the top of that first hill on a roller coaster.  There's been all this build up and you still have anticipation of that first drop.  The biggest hill that gives the cars momentum to get through the rest of the ride.  I've had 30 years of build-up, preparation for the rest of the ride, and now I have the momentum that will take me through to the next big hill and on to the end.  It's a beginning.  Time will feel like it's moving a little quicker in comparison with the first part, but it's a longer stretch of track than where I've been.

Today, I want to let everyone know that I am grateful for this positive outlook.  I've made some very positive changes and have made a point to focus on myself first, in most situations.  I think this has been a very large part of the excitement I feel about my upcoming birthday.

To finish up, here's a list of celebrities who'll be turning 30 with me this year:
  • Justin Timberlake – January 31st – The “Sexy Back” star gets sexier with age.
  • Paris Hilton – February 17th – A party crasher stole her cake at her 30th birthday.
  • Beth Ditto – February 19th – The Gossip’s lead singer turned 30 over the weekend.
  • Pitbull – January 15th – “‘I Know You Want Me,’ even more now that I’m 30.”
  • Alicia Keys – January 25th – An “Empire State of Mind” being 30.
  • Elijah Wood – January 28th – This hobbit is still as sexy as ever.
  • Kelly Rowland – February 11th – When LoveAge Takes Over.
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt – February 17th – Thirty Rock From The Sun
  • Josh Groban – February 27th – My voice is mature beyond my years anyway.
  • Patrick Levesque – March 1st – Wait, that’s me! I’m not famous but whatever.
  • Hayden Christiansen – April 19th – “Jumper” into his thirties.
  • Jessica Alba – April 28th – Fantastic FourThirty.
  • Anna Kournikova – June 7th – “30 Love”.
  • Natalie Portman – June 9th – “I will be an Oscar winning actress before I’m 30.”
  • Beyonce Knowles- September 4th – Her “B-Day” this year will be a big one.
  • Jonathan Taylor Thomas – September 8th – Come out, come out, wherever you are!
  • Jennifer Hudson – September 12th- Entering her 30s with a killer bod.
  • Keyshia Cole – October 15th – She’s gonna “Let It Go” on her big day.
  • Nicole Richie – September 21st – Paris’ former BFF is also turning 30 this year.
  • Christina Milian – September 26th – Ready to “Dip it Low” on her big day.
  • Serena Williams – September 26th – “30 Love” for her too.
  • Natasha Bedingfield – November 26th – A “Pocketful of Sunshine” at 30.
  • Britney Spears – December 2nd – “One, two, THREE…(ZERO)”
  • Sienna Miller – December 28th – Still as hot as ever entering her thirties.

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