
Sunday, February 27, 2011


I could not have asked for a better start to my Birthday weekend.  The turnout was great and I definitely felt the celebration more than I did last year.  Last year was pretty bad and as determined as I was to enjoy this year, I was afraid I would build it up too much in my mind and be just as disappointed.  I shouldn't have worried.

My boyfriend was able to meet all of my friends and I think everyone got along pretty well.  A few of my sister's high school friends have become my friends, as they returned to the area, and it was a nice reunion for them as well.  I was worried that the crowd wouldn't mix well and there were two definite pockets, but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.  I made a point to tell everyone there how much I appreciated them being in my life.  It had been my plan all along, but I think it may have come across as happy drunk.  I did refrain from telling my boyfriend anything in depth because I wanted it to be seen as sincere and heartfelt as I intend it to be.  But I find myself editing too much when I try, perhaps a letter is a better idea for me.

It was really nice having everyone in one place at one time and it felt great to have them all there.  I've spent a lot of one on one time with friends and, as much as it shouldn't, it makes me feel a little isolated.  This reminded me that I really do have a lot of great people in my life.  It was especially nice to have my sister there.  Too many birthdays have been spent without her and that may be what has been missing.

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