
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Interpret This....

I had a dream last night that was a little bizarre and I haven't quite figured out it's meaning.  In the dream Mom, Danielle, and I stopped by my Mommom's old house.  It was still her house though it had been closed up for years; nothing had been touched since the day she died.  There were still dishes in the sink and expired groceries in the refrigerator like she was expected home at any minute.  A fine layer of dust was over everything and the electricity/heating had been turned off years ago.  We were stopping by so I could get something out of the basement, I'm not sure what exactly, and as soon as I opened the front door I saw a spark in the kitchen.  It followed a line along the floor and started a small fire in the corner by the stove.  I immediately ran over to it and was able to extinguish the flame.  Mom and Danielle came rushing in when they heard me yelling and everything seemed to be okay.  Then the black line on the floor, that started the original fire, continued up the wall and started another one at the top of the stove.  I yelled at them to call the fire department and to get as many pictures out of the house as they could.

I called Dad and Aunt Shelley to come get the boxes of pictures and mementos out of the house before it burned down.  All the while I kept putting out these small fires, hoping to give everyone time to get the important stuff out, but the electrical wiring was so far gone that it kept starting little flames in the kitchen.  We were able to get the irreplaceable stuff out of the upper level and then had to get everything out of the basement.  Most things had been moved down to the basement after her death and we just had to go through it all.  The fire department still hadn't come and I had given up containing the upstairs even though it stayed in the kitchen the whole time.  So we worked in the basement trying to move things as quickly as possible.  I woke up before we finished.

It's been a while since I've dreamed about my grandmother's house and even longer since I tried to remember how it felt to be there.  You know, remember the layout of the house, the placement of the furniture, the smells of the kitchen and cigarette smoke.  The last time I really tried to picture it, in my waking hours, was for a creative non-fiction writing exercise in college and that was over six years ago.  (Six years?  Can it really be that long ago?)  I think about my grandparents quite often but neither of them were in the dream.  It was just their house and their things.

According to
FIRE: Depending on the context of your dream, to see fire in your dream can symbolize destruction, passion, desire, illumination, purification, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. It may suggest that something old is passing and something new is entering into your life. Your thoughts and views are changing. In particular, if the fire is under control or contained in one area, then it is a metaphor of your own internal fire and inner transformation. The dream may be a metaphor for someone who is "fiery". It represents your drive, motivation, and creative energy. Alternatively, the dream may be warning you of your dangerous or risky activities. You are literally "playing with fire".
I can definitely see how the one part applies to me.  I am making a lot of positive changes in my life and moving forward from older ways of thinking.  Negative thoughts and feelings that held me back are no longer an issue and I am making a concentrated effort to move into the next phase of my life a healthier, happier version of me.  However this seems counter to the definition the website lists for Photos or Pictures.
To see a photograph in your dream, indicates that there is a relationship that needs your attention. You are not looking deep enough into the problem. Alternatively, the dream means that you are clinging on to the past or to some false hope. Consider who or what is on the photo. The image may be trying to take you back to a particular moment in time.
The second part about the photo taking you back to a particular moment in time fits, but am I clinging to the past?  So there are things changing and "inner transformation" but I am unwilling to completely let go of the past perhaps.

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