
Friday, February 18, 2011

Good News/Bad News

I was talking to my aunt today and she shared with me that her family might move to Florida in the near future.  This has me very concerned because it will mean that my 13 year old cousin will move with them.  I don't get to see him as often as I should so it's not like I can complain, too much.  But with all the problems they've had the last few years, I can't help but feel it won't be that different in Florida.

Granted, there is a stigma attached to her husband in the area where they live.  So it could be really holding them back from having a decent future.  Or it could be the choices that have been made and will continue to be made, which means that it will follow them where ever they go.  Apparently they've found a music school where my cousin could go and he's kind of excited about the idea.  I am still concerned about the quality of education he'll receive.  I mean, yes, he can go to a specialized school for something that he absolutely loves doing but will that help him big picture?  Unless he has the drive and ambition to make something of his talent what will he have to fall back on?

But also, I take it for granted that I can see him when my schedule allows and I don't know what I'll do when it's months between visits.  He'll get taller and his voice will get deeper and I won't recognize him the next time I see him.  He's my little boy.  Though it will also get him out of Havre de Grace and maybe get a bigger view of the world.  Maybe he'll be able to find his own way just as my sister and I have done.

This is all very, what if, right now.  It will depend on a lot of things coming together at just the right moment.  And the alternative if it doesn't happen doesn't seem much better.  My aunt's husband has had some troubles of late and if he can't get a store of his own to manage, in his current profession, he'll have to return to the Car Business.  His employment at certain dealerships is mostly what led to their current troubles and if he returns to that livelihood I wonder if anything has actually changed.

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