
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mr. Beer

Yesterday, I helped the boyfriend bottle his latest batch of beer.  Then we cleaned everything up and started the new one I purchased for him, St. Patrick's Day Irish Stout.  Yes, I had a plan when I picked it out.  But I didn't realize the whole process would take longer than a month so it will not be ready in time, though I am sure it will be no less enjoyable.

I would say that the whole process is a lesson in patience and cleanliness.  (My boyfriend talked me through the whole process and I couldn't help but make the Mr. Miyagi comparison since we both know I lack a certain amount of patience.)  First, there is a cleanser that must be used in all steps.  This keeps contaminants from getting into the brew and ruining it.  This step alone made me wish for a beer.  It's a lot of scrubbing and soaking of all materials that are to be used.  Then, there is the boiling of the mixture and the eventual combining of all ingredients into the Mr. Beer keg.  Once this has had time to sit and brew for at least a week, better for two, then one can bottle the beer.  Though at this point it is still not exactly beer.  The bottles must be cleaned with the same cleanser and then sugar is added.  This combines with the yeast in the beer mixture and carbonates the whole thing.  This is kind of tedious but fun.  The bottles must also sit for at least a week, better for two, before one is able to enjoy them.

All in all, I had fun learning to do this and I can't wait to see what the St. Patrick's Stout tastes like.  We added a little bit of coffee for flavoring, so it should be interesting.

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