
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Signs of Progress

IMAG0345.jpgAUGUST 4th, 2010

In the picture above, I had lost about 15 pounds and was able to fit into a few dresses I hadn't paid attention to in a couple of years.  But this one wouldn't zip all the way up and I was incredibly frustrated by it.  You can see the zipper hanging open in the back.

But yesterday, I was able to not only put it on but I was able to zip it up as well.  It's still a little tight and won't be comfortable until summer.  But then it's a reversible sun-dress and I won't need it til then anyway.  Other than this tell-tale sign of weight loss, I can't see much difference in the way the dress looks on me.

Zipped up!
FEBRUARY 5th, 2011

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