
Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day

Officially, today is a holiday at my day job.  I, however, made the mistake of telling my part-time job I was available to work and I got a full eight-hour shift.  I know I will be glad for it come payday, especially since I am taking off the whole week of my birthday, but it was very difficult to get through today.  Two six, or more, hour days at the store is too much for me anymore. 

Though, yesterday, I did get a special treat when the boyfriend brought my phone to me.  I had forgotten it at his house and figured I would have to stop by after work to get it.  I was surprised to see him and it really made my day ten times better.  Of course, all the ladies had to tell me how handsome he was and how sweet it was for him to bring the phone to me.  I don't know why I am continually surprised that he does these simple yet meaningful things for me.  He really is amazing and I am very glad that I met him.  No matter what happens down the road, or how things all turn out, I am sincerely glad that I had this time to get to know him.  I hope I continue to feel that way no matter what the future may bring.

Finished out the day by having dinner with my friend, M.  He told me all about his ski weekend and I talked about the events of mine.  It was really great to sit down and connect with him like we used to, before he moved out to Seattle.  He's recently moved back to the area and is re-adjusting to life here, so it's nice to know that we can pick up like no time has been missed.  I have a few friends like that and I consider myself very lucky that I have each and every one of them.  Even if we don't talk every day, or even once a month, we're able to connect like time and distance aren't an issue the rest of the time.

Today, six days before my 30th birthday, I want to go on record as saying that I appreciate the chosen people in my life.  My friends, my boyfriend, my co-workers.  The people who are there when the walls start crumbling around me and help me get things back in order.  The ones that are there to support me when I need it and who invite me into their lives to share in their happiest and saddest moments.  I consider myself very blessed in this area and hope that I never take any of them for granted.

1 comment:

  1. Deadlines, diets, and devious men.

    That Girls Aloud song does not apply to you.

    I know how you feel about M - I feel the same way about A. He can be across the pond for years at a time and when I see him, it takes five seconds to remember why he so easily became one of my best friends. M is sincerely one of the most supportive people you've ever met and I really think the two of you have a very special friendship. You balance each other well. He's very level-headed (too much sometimes) and you're extremely compassionate (too much sometimes) and you two balance each other rather well with that.

    As for your bf, he's a great guy from what I've heard and the little I've interacted with him. I'd like to maybe grab lunch with him Sat or Sun with A and you? yesno?
