
Friday, February 25, 2011

2 to Go!

I took my mom up to Havre de Grace today.  Drove her around town and let her see all the changes that have happened in the last 3 years.  Thankfully, there were a few things that haven't changed and we were able to stop in at Goll's Bakery for a slice of Birthday Cake and other treats.

Mom was able to stop in an talk to Aunt Shelley for a little bit and I think that was a good thing for both of them.  I spent a little time on the phone with my boyfriend, he had just settled on his house and was standing in the empty living room.  I really liked that he thought to call me in his excitement and I'm looking forward to seeing him on Saturday.  I love having my mom here.  I miss her when she's away, but I seem to have fallen into a sort of routine where I feel like I should see my boyfriend every couple of days.

Today, I want to say that I appreciate my father.  This is a little disjointed from the rest of the entry but I am trying to countdown.  He's been the custodial parent and the voice of experience on too many issues.  He has opened my eyes to things that I would never have given a second thought and challenged me to grow as an individual.  As all parents do, he has made mistakes along the way but it helps me to realize we are all human.  I know that both of my parents have done the best that they knew how to do and, looking around, it could have been a whole lot worse.  Through everything, though, I have never doubted that I was loved.

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