
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Doctor Who - The Rebel Flesh

Thankfully, all those predictions about the rapture were all for naught and I was able to catch the new episode of Doctor Who last night.  Though I was extremely disappointed that it was a part one of a two part episode that will not be concluded until June 4th.  Something about Memorial Day Weekend and American Audiences not watching TV.  Given the nature of this episode, having to wait two weeks for the conclusion is just cruel.

My first thoughts:  1)We've had Pirates cursed with a Black Spot and now Avatars who just want the Government to leave them alone - is this a tour of blockbuster films à la Doctor Who? 2) Isn't this how we got the Martha Clone in that Season 4 episode?

There is the question of what makes someone, or something in this case, alive.  We had a little bit of that in the last episode when the TARDIS is looking for a word that is "so big and so sad."  But this is an entirely different level.  These Doppelgangers, or "gangers" for short, are exact copies of their human counterparts.  They have the same exact memories and feel that they are, in fact, that person.  I really liked the scene where the one character was talking about his son and the Ganger described what it felt like the day the boy was born.  It raises complicated questions about how the Gangers will live out their lives if they survive.  We had some discussion of this in "The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky" episode when the Martha Clone is dying.  She says she remembers all the same things that Martha does and is sad for all the things she won't get to achieve.

Final Thoughts:  If there is a successful clone of the Doctor, will he still be the last of the Timelords?  I mean apart from Jenny and whomever that little girl was at the end of the two part season opener.

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