
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baby Steps

I have officially taken the first step towards the possibility of grad/business school.  I left work about a half an hour early yesterday to meet with an advisor at CCBC so I could register for the Accounting Class they are offering in the second half of the Summer Semester.  It wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be, though putting the entire class on my credit card smarts a bit.  I was able to get advised in 10 minutes, then I went over to the registration desk for final approval.  I even had time to pay for the class before I left to hang out with my friend.  All total, it took me about 40 minutes.

So, I am signed up for an accounting class.  Provided I get an A, my company will reimburse 100% of the costs.  This would be lovely as it makes me cringe to see it on my credit card right now.  If I like the class and do well in it, then I will take Accounting II in the fall.  If I don't, then I will sign up for Technical Writing.  In the meantime, I will study for either the GMAT or the GRE (depending on how this class goes) and take one of those before the holidays this year.  Then I can seriously apply to grad/business schools for Fall 2012.  It's kind of scary, actually.  It's a plan and it's been set in motion.

In other news, this made me smile today:

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