
Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Lists for the Rafiki Lady

Education:  at least bachelor's degree (slightly negotiable - depending on life situations and experiences)
Health:  Should be healthy- no bodybuilder fanatic types, no beer bellies.  Takes all necessary medication, has honest conversations with GP about concerns and visit regularly.  Takes health seriously but it doesn't run his life.  Visit dentists regularly, values healthy teeth.  ***Very Important - will bring me soup when I am sick***
Family: Siblings (negotiable - I want my partner to understand my bond with my sister and to have learned the lessons of sharing a life with someone.  But these things don't require a sibling to know.) preferably a sister, but not important so long as he has respect for women.  Parents can be divorced, married, deceased, never married, living in a different state, whatever.  Would prefer if there is a positive family relationship, but these are things that can't be controlled.  My partner should want a family someday, within the next 5-10 years.
Career: no requirement for a specific profession, so long as it can support his lifestyle.  Someone with ambition, willing to work hard for things they want.  Even if the job they have is not what they prefer to do but it lets them do the things they love.  Doesn't take short cuts or expect things to be handed to him.  Would prefer someone with a regular day job so that scheduling is easier, but could be negotiable for the right person/circumstances