
Monday, May 30, 2011

Couch to 5K - Week 1

I started the Couch to 5K program this week.  The first two days were not bad at all as I made use of the treadmills at my gym.  My third day was absolutely the toughest as the gym closed early for Memorial Day and I decided to use the Trolley Trail to Ellicott City.  I invited my friend, M, to join me even though he's the athletic type and I am not.  (He recently injured his hamstring and is trying to get it back in shape without stressing it, so it worked out really well for both of us.)  Mostly I figured that I would need someone to drag my unconscious body back to the car should I pass out from the heat.

We walked up the trail from Ellicott City to Catonsville, so that I was fighting the incline as I was running, and then started the program on the way back.  We did have to turn around and run uphill at the very end and I was very sorry for it.  I have to say that it is more difficult to run outside than on a treadmill for obvious reasons, but I also know that I had more of a workout, too. 

My First Week Notes:
Day1: Treadmill - 30 min.,1.6 miles, 150 calories
Day2: Treadmill - 30 min., 1.77 miles, 158 calories
Day3: Trolley Trail - 30 min, 1.25 miles (95 degree heat)

I am anxious to start the second week and see how I can improve these times, distances, etc.

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