
Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Little Sister's Birthday!

Today, my sister is 27.  It's times like these that I wish we lived in the same city.  At bad times and really good times in my life I miss her equally.  I was so glad she could make it up for my birthday this year, it was the missing piece I couldn't quite figure out in previous years.  And then I wished she lived within a half an hour when everything went to hell a few weeks later.  It's times like these when I think about how nice Atlanta is and that it wouldn't be a bad place to live.  

Then we could ride around in the car and sing pop songs at the top of our lungs; quote movies no one but us has seen in years.  And just feel like everything is as it should be for that short space of time.  It's like this Darren Hayes song about his sister. 

I hope that she has a fantastic night tonight and no one spoils any part of it.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good night. Trivia with the friends - we came in first place.

    I miss you, too. A lot.
