
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Immediate Life Goals

Today is the last day my friend, LV, will be working with me at Hallmark.  She got a better paying, more demanding, job and decided she needed to quit the part-time job.  Part of me is happy for her, part of me is jealous, and part of me will miss seeing her regularly without having to put in the extra effort.  After the Pampered Chef party at her house last night, I feel better about keeping in touch.  But I am definitely jealous that she has been able to quit the part-time and I think I'll need a few more months before I can comfortably put in my resignation.  It's my dream and she has achieved it.

I go Monday for advising, so I can register for the accounting class for work.  T was not pleased when I told her I'd need Tuesdays and Thursdays off for about 8 weeks, but what can you do?