
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Great Aunt Louisa

Great Aunt Louisa with Aunt Shelley
circa 1960's
Today would have been my Great Aunt Louisa's 81st birthday.  I find myself thinking of her today especially for that reason.  There are a lot of things we don't think to ask people when they are with us and, like with my mommom, I have a lot of them.

It's Mother's Day and I find myself wondering if Aunt Weeze, as we affectionately called her, ever wanted children of her own.  She was always like a second grandmother to us and I know my dad always felt she was like a second mother.  Always a part of our lives, living with her sister, our Mommom.  She would drive us home after our parents got home from work and was always ready with a trash bag on gift giving occasions.

After my mommom died, Aunt Weeze went to live with my Aunt Shelley.  That was pretty short-lived as they didn't get along at all and she ended up living in her own apartment.  Her death was very sad and could have been prevented, I felt.  I have all sorts of negative feelings about the hospital where she died and not just because of this situation.  I remember going to the hospital and talking to her, though she was unconscious, and just willing her to wake up.  (She did for a short period of time, but not while I was there.)  It was such a helpless feeling.

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